Welcome to My Blog

I'm new at this and am finding my way through this techno maze. My intent is to post ideas and thoughts I've had pertaining to life that perhaps others also share or maybe they are things you never considered. Life is precious and we so often breeze through it without giving any thought to the meaning of our lives. Just something to think about...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Do You Ever Wonder Why You Are Here?

Do you ever wonder why you are here? What is your purpose on this earth? What is the meaning of life? Some people never think about things like this, preferring to live for the day, or for the weekend when they can party. Endlessly searching for the one thing that will bring them happiness, and peace to the restless yearnings within.

What about you? What drives you? Is it a search for that one true love? For acceptance? For fame and fortune? Or simply for recognition that you are a person with dreams and hopes that are, as yet, unfulfilled? What drives your engine? What deep longings do you try to quench with ceaseless activities, with the quest for the next party, the next great adventure, the next relationship?

In the quiet moments of our lives we face the stark reality that no one really knows us deep inside, in the core of our being, what we really think or feel about everything. Oh some may know bits and pieces, some more than others. But no one knows the whole story of who you are, every experience of your life, your thoughts and feelings about those experiences and how all these worked together to shape you into the person you are today...you. You may be afraid to let anyone truly know you at the core because you fear they would not like you if they knew the 'real' you.

Would it surprise you to learn there is someone who knows everything about you? Every detail of what you think, what you feel, the sad things, the bad things, the happy things, the good things. The choices you have had and the paths you have chosen. The circumstances that surrounded you that you feel you had no control over. Everything.

Would it surprise you to learn that in spite of knowing all this about you this person loves you with an everlasting love. He longs to have a personal relationship with you. For you to know Him as well as He knows you. Ok, by now you have guessed I'm talking about God.
No...He is not some impersonal being 'out there' somewhere who is not interested in your life.

Stay with me for a moment.

Listen to your heart's cry within.

You know you long for this kind of relationship.
He is very much interested in you. After all, He created you in His own image. He put a yearning inside you to know Him. But He does not force this relationship. You can try to fill this yearning in any way you choose. But sooner or later you will come to the realization that all your efforts are in vain because you still feel like something is missing in your life. Does that ring a bell yet?

Does that sound fair? That He would give you this longing and not give you a way to fulfill it? There is a way. W
hen you come to know Him you will discover what it means to experience true joy …not fleeting happiness. You will discover true peace…not temporary security... in your job, ...in your finances, ...in your relationships with other people.

I'm talking about a peace that passes all understanding, in the midst of the happiest times of your life and also the saddest or most distressing times of your life.

Think I'm kidding? Crazy? Fanatic about religion? No. I'm not talking about empty religion or a commitment to a church. I'm talking about a vibrant, real relationship with your Creator, the One who knows you best, and loves you most. So much so that He sent His Son Jesus to pay the penalty for your sins. So you can enter into everlasting life with Him. Not just in heaven someday, but beginning here on earth.

If you sense a longing to know more or if you are a skeptic at heart and want to prove me wrong…I encourage you/challenge you to find out more by reading God's 'instruction manual for life'…the Bible. I suggest you start with one of the gospel stories. He did not inspire the writers to tell His story to condemn us or to hem us in with rules. The Bible stories are meant to show us how much we really do need to connect with our Creator to find complete fulfillment in our lives. That is freedom. And we are free to choose to accept or reject the challenge.

What will you choose? What have you got to lose by accepting the challenge? If you want to know more, feel free to contact me. I am not interested in debates but I will be willing to communicate with anyone who is truly seeking to understand who this Jesus is and how He can connect you to your heavenly Father.

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